Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Break

So I am finally on Spring Break! I can not begin to tell you how much I needed a Vacation! I have no plans of course, because Brandon is working and can't really afford to take any time off. Surprisingly and luckily, he has been SUPER BUSY at work lately, which is wonderful when thinking about the economy.
I am kind of glad I am just going to be hanging out around here. I can just relax and do things i have a hard time doing during the work week. Like I REALLY need to clean the house, go get my eyes checked and get new glasses, get my hair cut, catch up on school work (the paper work aspect) and just be LAZY!
Brandon and I began looking for a house this weekend. Even though we have been told numerous times that Vestavia has not been effected by the housing market, there is not a whole lot out there in our price range. We did find one that is going to need some fixing up, but is a great little house, if you can look past the horrible wall paper and terrible decorations in the house! We are hopefully going to go looking again this weekend with a realtor. We went Sunday with Scott and Tammy. That was good and fun because they have great vision and have lived here for a long time and know where the good areas are as well as prices. The have updated almost all of thier houses and their vision for potential is GREAT. None hte less, this is an exciting time, and we are both just enjoying it, but wish us luck in the process!!!
I am going to go enjoy being lazy, and eventually clean the house (eventually being the key word)!!!!

1 comment:

Allison DeJarnette said...

Yay for house hunting! We had so much fun doing it. I know you'll find something great, just don't move in on a shower weekend or bachelorette/bmaid lunch weekend! I need you with meeeeee!