Thursday, March 19, 2009

Coming to an end....

So how sad am I that it is Thursday of my Spring Break. I swear this has been the fastest week EVER. I hate how the holiday week flies by, but the work week takes its sweet time! Oh well, I will have 8 weeks left in the school year when I go back, so it can't last that long, at least that is what I am hoping for!

Brandon and I are meeting with the Realtor on Saturday to go in some of the houses we have been looking at. I am getting excited and nervous all at the same time! If we have our way, we would like to find something in a reasonable amount of time, so we can close middle to end of May and move in the end of May(after school is out)or the start of June. I know summer will keep me extremely busy with moving, and I am teaching Extended School year. I just can't sit at home all Summer, I will get bored and go spend money I don't need to spend! So therefore, when my boss asked me if I would teach Extended School Year, I jumped on it!!!! Plus, the money is good.

Also this summer, we are still planning to go on a trip with Chad, Lacey, Shay, and Josh sometime in June too, which will be a blast I know. This is something we are starting this year because our anniversaries are all in a row-Lacey/Chad-June 16th, Megan/Brandon-June 21st, Shay/Josh-June 26th. We don't know where we are going yet, but are excited about it!!!

Well, Jim and Diann are coming up today to spend some time with me and the girls, so I guess I better get a shower and straighted up some around here!! I will fill you in on how it goes with the Realtor Saturday!

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