Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Turkey Day!

So the most delicious day of the year is here! So excited to be out of school for the rest of the week ( I mean whoo I needed a beak)!!! Brandon is at work, so I have the house to myself. Yes, I am excited, because I am bout to cook all my food for Thanksgiving, change the sheets and towels, and swiffer! Brandon will be home about 12:00 so needless to say I have got to get to work! Here is what is on the menu to prepare today.... Squash Casserole and frozen cranberry salad (this is a new recipe, I hope it is as good as it looks and sounds) for Montgomery and Pineapple casserole for Columbus.

I am going to keep this post short, since I need to get started on my "chores"! I do want to mention what I am thankful for this year though, I am Thankful for my wonderful, loving and supportive parents, The relationship that has developed between me and my brother Scott, our new home, a great job in a GREAT school system with great teachers, friends, health, Barkley, and for a sweet, handy, loving, friend, supportive, hard working, and all around great husband.

I hope you all have a very safe, happy, and blessed Thanksgiving with family!

P.S. WAR EAGLE on Friday, everyone I know will be tuned in for the Iron Bowl, the game where all records are pushed aside, because you just never know what will happen! WARRRRR EAGLE, HEY!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Shay said...

Yay! I'm glad you left a comment on my blog. I tried to find your blog but have not had any success. The dogs were not trouble at all! We will do it anytime!