Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Well, Today Is My Last Day Of Summer!

Well, THE day has finally arrived, ready or not...Tomorrow is Dooms Day! I have to go back to the working world! It will all get kicked off at Institute Day and the High School at 8:00 then onto faculty meetings the rest of the day. I cant decide if I am ready or not, but I guess that does not matter now does it! I will say though, I am excited to see all my sweet little kido's though.

Brandon and I got back from the beach on Monday, it was such a nice trip. It rained on Friday when we were driving down, so we didn't get to go to the beach that day, then when we woke up Saturday it was raining, but then we saw a window of no rain, so we hurried to the beach and the sky cleared up and the sun came out for the rest of the day! Sunday had a 60% chance of rain but it was hot, sunny, and clear ALL day! So in a nutshell it was a perfect beach trip. We also had fun just hanging out with Scott and Tammy and of course the kids!

Well I am going to enjoy my last day of Summer vacay by having lunch with Beth, running a few errands and going up to the preschool to do a couple of things to get ready!!!! Talk to you later, have a great rest of the week=)

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