Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's Been a While

I know it has been awhile, but things have been quite busy!!!! As I told you in my last blog Brandon and I bought a house, So we have been very busy with that. Brandon's dad and Jim and Diann came up last weekend, and we painted ALL day Saturday and ALL day Sunday. My brother Scott came over and helped out too. I went to Lowe's and picked out a new vanity and light for the hall bathroom, and my dad and Scott put it in. Let me just tell you it made that bathroom look SO much better!! Well on Monday, Brandon's brother and mom came up and we moved all our stuff from the old house, it was a long, hot, tiring day, but we got it done. I have been working this week to get us settled, but it is hard work! I promise to take some pictures this week (if not sooner) and put them up!!

I am teaching Extended School Year this summer for the special needs kids. I just can't sit at home all summer and do nothing, I would spend to much money and get in trouble!!! Especially when I am dying to get new curtains and sofa and chairs recovered, and just find pretty things to set out, and hang on the wall. So work starts on Tuesday, but it is only 2 days a week and then it will skip a week. Not to shabby of a schedule but keeps my busy enough! Since I wont be working all day everyday, I will still have a good amount of time to do some fun projects I have in mind for the house.

Well I have got to plan for Extended School year and type up my lesson plans, so I will be ready to go on Tuesday! Since school is out, I will TRY to post more!!! Oh yeah on a different note, I told you Scott and Tammy were having another baby in my last post and well, they found out what it is and its a ............GIRL!!! Yep, that will make 4 girls WOW! My poor brother! They are all very excited and a Tammy and the baby are great. I will keep you updated on the as well=)

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